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Alpine Better Places Tawonga

The Alpine Better Places Tawonga project will deliver detailed concept plans for the township that illustrate, estimate and prioritise township improvement works.

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Current stage: Final concept designs adopted by Council

View Final Concept Design

Not currently open for consultation

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About the project

Council is working with the Tawonga community to prepare plans which illustrate, cost and prioritise:

  • Improved streetscape treatment of the Kiewa Valley Highway, including a safer pedestrian connection to Tawonga Pioneer Memorial Park, pedestrian pathways extending along the highway and integrated landscape treatments to give the Tawonga township an improved sense of destination.
  • Improvements to Tawonga Pioneer Memorial Park, including upgraded and additional facilities and infrastructure.

Latest Update

February 2023 | Final Concept Designs adopted by Council

Following significant input from the local community, final concept designs for the Alpine Better Places Tawonga project were adopted by Council at the December Ordinary Meeting.

Council would like to thank the Tawonga community for being actively involved in providing ideas and feedback throughout the duration of the project.

The project originally commenced in March 2020, with the goal of designing concept plans for improved streetscape and the extension of footpaths along the Kiewa Valley Highway, and improvements to Tawonga Pioneer Memorial Park.

The Tawonga Concept Design Plans were developed with a focus on two key areas identified and prioritised by the community in the phase one consultation; create a centralised 'focus' or heart to the township in Pioneer Park, and improve the circulation and safety for pedestrians.

The final concept plans include new open spaces, multipurpose courts, paths, a pump track, upgraded toilets, public seating, additional facilities, extended playspace, car parking and landscaping.

Project Timeline & Milestones

December 2022 - Final concept designs adopted by Council

November 2022 - Survey results released

September 2022 - Feedback sought on proposed location of pump track, use of the Scout Hall site as open space, and number and location of car parks 

June 2022 - Survey results released

May 2022 - Community meeting and feedback sought on preferred concept plan

April 2022 - Purchase of Tawonga Scout Hall secured by Council and four alternative draft concept plans including the scout hall site prepared

October 2021 - Final concept plans available for feedback prior to Council endorsement

July 2021 - Community information session held and feedback sought on updated concept plans. Final concept plans released for community feedback.

February 2021 - Community information session held and feedback sought on draft detailed concept plans

July 2020 - Webinar held and community feedback sought on draft concept plans

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