Alpine Shire Council is in Election Period from 17 Sept to 26 Oct 2024. Restrictions apply to decisions, publications, engagement, and events. For details, visit: 2024 Council Elections 

Business Development

Startup Shakeup

Startup Shakeup is a community for you, the movers, shakers, and change-makers in North East Victoria. It’s your ticket to networking and educational events that will support your mission to solve local problems and support causes that shape our future. Learn more online.

Brandlocal Free Webinars

Brandlocal is an initiative designed to assist businesses keep up to date with skills and knowledge. Delivered online through FREE modules, the workshop portal aims to provide you with skills to navigate the current climate.

Initially developed to assist Alpine with crisis management, the platform has been further developed delivering free online content in response to feedback provided.

Small Business Bus | Online and Face to Face Mentoring

Operated by Small Business Victoria, the Small Business Bus visits Melbourne and regional Victoria as a 'travelling office on wheels'. It offers friendly, professional assistance and expert advice from an experienced business mentor.

Business Victoria offers free online business advice sessions to help you start or grow your small business. Available Monday to Friday, the one-on-one sessions with a business expert will provide information on your business idea or how to grow your existing business. Online sessions will be available until end June 2023.

Small Business Victoria will be offering in region mentoring sessions during the month of October and November. Keep an eye out on the Small Business Victoria portal for dates, locations and times.

Small Business Victoria Workshops | Online

All Small Business Victoria workshops are specifically designed for Victorian-based businesses and are currently being delivered online via Zoom. Explore topics on starting your business, building resilience, marketing, finance, taking your business online and business planning.

Visit Small Business Victoria to find a workshop at a time that suits you.


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