Alpine Shire Council is in Election Period from 17 Sept to 26 Oct 2024. Restrictions apply to decisions, publications, engagement, and events. For details, visit: 2024 Council Elections 

Dinner Plain

Dinner Plain was created in 1985 and is the only Australian alpine resort to be managed by a local government agency. The village economy is built on tourism.

Plants for Revegetation and Landscaping

Dinner Plain is located amongst some of the rarest plant communities in Australia - Alpine woodland and Alpine grassland. These plant communities are nationally recognised and are protected by Australian and Victorian Government Acts. Obtaining plants for landscaping and revegetation can be a difficult process as only indigenous plant material can be used at Dinner Plain. 

Guidelines for Planting at Dinner Plain

  • Minimise disturbance: leaving the alpine landscape intact is the best practice.
  • Park vehicles in designated parking areas and use pathways and roads: NEVER PARK ON THE GRASS.
  • Stabilise disturbed ground: disturbance or removal of plants will open the way for erosion and the potential for weeds to become established.
  • Level out disturbed area with a rake to create an even surface.
  • Lumps and dips will trap water and become boggy.
  • Cover disturbed ground with certified weed free straw: this will help hold the soil in place.
  • Weed free area: hand pull or spot spray any weeds to minimise competition when establishing native seedlings.
  • Plant at the right time: best results will be achieved planting in to moist soils. October/November and April through to early May are the best times to plant at Dinner Plain.
  • Protect young plants: use tree bags or appropriate fencing to protect new plantings from rabbits and inappropriate human access. Bags and fencing can remain over winter however they may need to be highlighted with an indicator such as colourful tape to ensure no one accidentally damages the plant.
  • Follow up: make sure the revegetated area remains weed free and moist. Watering through the first summer may be essential if the plants are exposed to direct sun and wind. Making sure bags or fencing are stable is important as young plants do not like being restricted. Some plants may need to be replaced if there has been attrition over summer or winter.

Dogs at Dinner Plain

All dogs visiting Dinner Plain are required to be registered with their home Council and kept on lead at all times, except in designated off lead areas as signed. Council’s Rangers patrol Dinner Plain regularly to ensure compliance with the Domestic Animals Act. 

Please note that the previous requirement to obtain a specific permit to take dogs to Dinner Plain no longer applies.

Stockman Agreement

Following the July 2021 Council meeting, Council determined it will release information relating to the Stockman Agreement, which was the subject of a confidential Council Meeting in April 2014.

This relates to a vegetation offset at Dinner Plain.

WHSP Stockman Pty Limited is a subsidiary of Round Oak Minerals Pty Ltd, which itself is owned by Australian ASX listed company Washington H. Soul Pattison Pty Ltd.

It should be also noted that at the July 2021 Council meeting, Council agreed that it would grant Round Oak a six months’ extension to the Completion Date for the Stockman Heads of Agreement.

This will allow sufficient time for the orderly and considered completion of the remaining activities required prior to entering into a Landowner Agreement.

The document is available by clicking here.

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