Corporate Plans & Reports

Council develops strategic plans to guide it over the medium and short term direction, and reports regularly to the community regarding the progress against these plans.

2040 Community Vision

Council is committed to planning for and delivering key priorities for the Alpine Shire community. To achieve this, the Alpine Shire 2040 Community Vision was developed in 2021 as part of the deliberative engagement process for the development of the Council Plan. 

The 2040 Community Vision outlines how the community would like to see the Alpine Shire in the year 2040. The Vision has been incorporated into the Council Plan 2021-25 document. While it is an aspirational document, the key directions in it feed down into the Council Plan, which is Council’s means of delivering the vision.

Council Plan

The Council Plan is a strategic document detailing Council’s direction and desired outcomes for the four financial years following each Council election.  The Council Plan also contains the Community Vision 2040 and the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan. 

Throughout development of the Community Vision and Council Plan, Council worked closely with our community through broad and deliberative engagement. We welcomed the formation of the Alpine Shire Community Panel, whose members have contributed significant time, knowledge, and creativity in developing these critical documents. 

The Council Plan and the incorporated Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan are reviewed annually to ensure they remain relevant for the remainder of the term of the Council Plan.  

The Council Plan is supported by the annual budget, which provides the detail and annual activities that contribute to achieving the objectives contained within the plan.  The Annual Report provides an ‘end of year’ report on progress against the Council Plan.

Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan

The Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan is incorporated into the current Council Plan, accessible in the link above.

Financial Plan 2021/22 to 2030/31

The Alpine Shire Council Financial Plan 2021/22 to 2030/31 provides a 10-year financial projection that supports the commitments and provides the resources necessary to meet the objectives within the Community Vision and Council Plan.

The Financial Plan has been developed in the context of the following strategic planning principles:

  1. Council has an integrated approach to planning, monitoring and performance reporting.
  2. Council’s Financial Plan addresses the Community Vision by funding the aspirations of the Council Plan. The Council Plan Strategic Objectives and Strategies have been developed in the context of the Community Vision.
  3. The Financial Plan statements articulate the 10-year financial resources necessary to implement the Strategic Objectives and Strategies in the Council Plan to work towards realising the Community Vision.

In addition to planning for the delivery of the Community Vision and the Council Plan, resource planning is important for ensuring that Council remains financially sustainable in the long term and considers the future renewal requirements for significant Council infrastructure.

This plan provides a longer-term perspective on the impact of financial decisions on the ongoing financial sustainability of the Council.

Revenue and Rating Plan

The purpose of Council's Revenue and Rating Plan is to determine the most appropriate and affordable revenue and rating approach for Council, which in conjunction with other income sources, will adequately finance the objectives in the Council Plan.  The plan covers a period of four financial years, and was adopted in June 2021.


Alpine Shire Council's Budget is aligned with the vision in the Council Plan 2021-2025. It seeks to deliver projects and services that support and build community wellbeing, and that boost the local economy.

Annual Report

Council's Annual Report provides a report on its operations for the year, including a report against the achievement of the Council Plan.  It also contains audited financial statements, and the performance statement.  The Annual Report is released in October each year.

Economic Development Strategy

Council has prepared an Economic Development Strategy to provide strategic direction to maintain and develop a thriving and resilient local economy into the future.

The report is informed by independent research and analysis, as well as consultation with representatives of community groups, organisations, businesses and Government stakeholders.

Drawing on the Alpine Shire’s comparative advantages, the EDS focuses on ways to support, grow and stabilise existing businesses in key sectors such as tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, education and health as well as attract new businesses that are suited to the values and attributes of the Alpine Shire.

Community Satisfaction Survey

Council participates in the annual Community Satisfaction Survey, coordinated by Local Government Victoria.  The survey interviews 400 residents within the municipality, collecting feedback on overall performance, community consultation and engagement, advocacy (lobbying on behalf of the community), customer service, and overall direction.  Results are compared against performance in previous years, between similar size councils, and state-wide results.

Local Government Victoria also releases a State-wide report, demonstrating results across all participating councils.

Know Your Council

Every Victorian council reports on the measures within the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) - individual results are reported in the annual report, and the Know Your Council website presents individual council results and enables comparison between councils.

The following information is reported in the LGPRF:

  • Service Performance indicators: Aquatic Facilities; Animal Management; Food Safety; Governance; Libraries; Maternal and Child Health; Sealed Local Roads; Statutory Planning; and Waste
  • Sustainable Capacity indicators
  • Financial Performance indicators
  • Governance and Management checklist

The Know Your Council website also provides a profile about each council in Victoria, along with other useful information about the role of local government.

Climate Action Plan and Position Statement

Council recognises the vulnerability of the region’s natural and built environment, economic prosperity and health of the community to climate change.

Council is committed to acting now to mitigate the contribution of its corporate operations to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by setting a target of net zero GHG emissions by July 2023.

A pathway of initiatives to achieve this target, and the associated investment strategy, has been established in the Climate Action Plan.

Gender Equality Action Plan

The Alpine Shire Council Gender Equality Action Plan outlines a range of initiatives that the organisation will implement to achieve gender equality and inclusiveness in the workplace. 

Affordable Housing Action Plan

Council noted the completion of the Key Worker Housing Pilot project and Affordable Housing Analysis and Action Plan at its December 2022 meeting.

Recommendations from the Affordable Housing Analysis and Action Plan include increased advocacy to the State Government, and the development of a business case for five key worker accommodation units to be installed at each of the Council-owned caravan parks in Bright, Myrtleford and Tawonga.

Council will also work with the community, ratepayers and local business operators to develop a Short Stay Rental Accommodation Local Law - this project will start in the second half of 2023.

Chief Executive Officer Performance

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Alpine Shire Council is appointed for a maximum term of five years. 

During this time, performance is monitored by the Council with support from the CEO Employment and Remuneration Committee.

The CEO’s performance is assessed against Key Performance Areas (KPA).