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Pet owners reminded to register their cats and dogs

Council's Local Laws team has recently found a high number of cats and dogs that are unregistered across the Alpine Shire. 

10 July 2024

The Local Laws team will begin conducting spot checks for unregistered animals, with pets owners risking a fine of $395.  

This specifically targets unregistered cats and dogs over three months of age living in the Alpine Shire, who must be legally registered under the Domestic Animals Act. 

When people neglect to register their pets, it becomes challenging for the Local Laws team to reunite lost animals with their owners.  

On average, the Local Laws team receive two to three phone calls a week about missing cats and dogs.  

Trying to locate owners of unregistered pets takes considerable time and impacts resources, detracting the Local Laws team from other issues.  

When these pets are registered, it is a quick and easy process to ensure they get home safely.  

Pets owners that are found to have unregistered cats and dogs will incur an on-the-spot fine of $395. 

In comparison, it costs a maximum of $55 to register a desexed cat or dog and a maximum of $110 to register a non-desexed cat or dog.  

Pet owners with non-desexed cats and dogs are encouraged to take advantage of National Desex Your Pet month in July and get a discount on desexing. For more information about this initiative, visit

Residents can register their pets online through Council's website or in person at the Council office in Bright or the libraries in Mount Beauty and Myrtleford.  

For more information about pet registration, visit 

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