Alpine Shire Council is in Election Period from 17 Sept to 26 Oct 2024. Restrictions apply to decisions, publications, engagement, and events. For details, visit: 2024 Council Elections 


Applying for a Building Permit

You apply for a building permit using the building application form. You post or email the form with all relevant documents to Council, or deliver it in person to the Shire Office in Bright.

If you want to build in Dinner Plain, you need a planning permit first.

For building in Mount Hotham/Falls Creek, you need to obtain permission from the Alpine Planning Division of the Department of Infrastructure before applying for a permit at the Alpine Shire Council.

This is because State Government controls that land, not the Alpine Shire Council.

The FAQ lists general guidelines when you need and do not need a building permit, and building permit costs.

To help you prepare for the application, you can use the following checklists:

Other relevant documents

Exemption/partial compliance application form

Building work to alter an existing building must comply with the Building Regulations 2018. 

In circumstances where the existing building constraints will not permit full compliance with the regulations, an application for partial compliance can be considered by the relevant building surveyor.

The applicant will need to detail the requirements that cannot be met, reasons why and supporting information on any alternative design methods being considered.

Occupancy Permit application form

An application for occupancy permit must be made using the occupancy permit application form prior to occupation of a building where an occupancy permit is required upon completion of building work. 

The completed occupancy permit application must be accompanied by Certificates of Compliance and Compliance Statements required by the Relevant Building Surveyor. 

Report and Consent forms

What happens after I submit the building application?

  • The Municipal Building Surveyor may contact you to ask for additional information or propose changes.

  • The Building Surveyor will assess your application against the Australian Building Code and the Building Regulations 2018

  • You will only receive a building permit once the Victorian Building Authority (V.B.A.) provides Council with a reference number.  (This will only happen once the State Government Levy has been paid to the V.B.A.).

  • A Council officer will inspect the project once or more during construction.

  • What are the mandatory inspections?

  • You will receive a Certificate of Final Inspection or an Occupancy Permit when the final, mandatory inspection is approved. You will need to provide all the relevant compliance certificates (Plumbing, Electrical etc.).

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