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ABP Tawonga Concept Plans to be presented to Council

Final concept designs aimed at revitalising the centre of Tawonga and boosting recreation will be presented to Councillors this month.

08 December 2022
Project update

Alpine Shire Council Director Assets Alan Rees said the final concept design is a result of strong engagement by a passionate community.

“We have had fantastic community engagement with this project so far,” he said.

“At every stage of this design process the community has been extremely responsive, showing how much they care about their town.

“If these concept plans are adopted, we will move to the exciting stage of securing funding to complete detailed designs for this project.”

The final concept designs being presented to Council incorporate recent community feedback.

Feedback from a community survey in September and October indicated that respondents were generally in support of the location of the pump track and the number and location of car parks.

Respondents were divided on the use of the Scout Hall land as open space and most respondents did not want a proposed pedestrian crossing located in front of the Old Tawonga Store.

A key change in the final concept design is the removal of this proposed crossing point.

View the final concept designs online here:

A hard copy is also available to view at the Old Tawonga Store.

The December Council Meeting will be held from 5pm on Tuesday, 13 December at the Bright Council Offices, and livestreamed on Council’s YouTube channel.

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