As one of Alpine Shire’s main towns, Bright has experienced an increase in tourism, residential, and commercial growth, which has increased pressure on the existing road network and parking supply
in the town.
Council has undertaken numerous transport studies within Bright to understand and manage the impact of traffic and car parking demand.
Council has or will soon undertake transport studies that will undertake a traffic and transport analysis for Bright, Mount Beauty/Tawonga South, Myrtleford, and Porepunkah to manage the impact of traffic, car parking demand, and promote active transport in the context of future population and tourism growth.
What’s on this page:
- Bright Car Parking Plan
- Alpine Shire Cycle Safety Strategy
- Bright Strategic Traffic Assessment & Bright Strategic Road and Movement Action Plan
- Alpine Shire Traffic and Transport Assessment
Bright Car Parking Plan
Council completed the Bright Car Parking Plan in 2018 which identified issues and needs regarding car parking in the centre of Bright and outlined objectives and a prioritised plan for the effective management of current and future demands within the township.
The Plan was informed through the use of parking occupancy surveys conducted during peak and off-peak times, and information gathered from the public through two public drop-in sessions held in October 2017 and written submissions. The draft Car Parking Plan was released for consultation in June 2018 and received 14 written submissions.
The Plan was finalised in August 2018 in response to community submissions. Key recommendations included to:
- Increase the amount of short-term parking to 1/4P and 1P to increase turnover.
- Increase availability of spaces at key locations, including disabled parking.
- Improve directional signage to off-street parking.
- Rationalise bus parking.
- Improve the layout of on and off-street car parking.
- Improvements to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure.
The Plan was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 4 September 2018.
Alpine Shire Cycle Safety Strategy
Council prepared the Alpine Shire Cycle Safety Strategy to identify key issues facing road and path cycling users in response to a continued increase in cycle tourism. The strategy was funded through a $25,000 grant from the Traffic Accident Commission, and recommend infrastructure improvements and outline educational approaches to both cyclists and drivers to improve safety outcomes for cyclists.
The Strategy was endorsed by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 6 August 2019.
Bright Strategic Traffic Assessment
Council prepared the Bright Strategic Traffic Assessment to investigate the effects of traffic and car parking demands on the town with respect to amenity, safety, and operation. The assessment considered areas around the central portions of the Bright township between Station Street in the west and Churchill Avenue in the east. Traffic surveys were conducted during the January 2022 school holidays, including the Australia Day long weekend.
The assessment found that traffic volumes, movement, parking and intersections within Bright are all operating within industry benchmark parameters. The assessment recommended improvements to cycling facilities and connections along Camp Street and Wood Street to facilitate safe east-west cycling movements through the township linking with existing bicycle paths.
The assessment also recommended improvements to car parking wayfinding to direct traffic to off-street parking locations, and continuous footpath treatments to improve pedestrian amenity and safety.
The assessment noted that traffic volumes on Gavan Street may exceed the road’s capacity by 2033 based on future traffic modelling, and that future improvements will be needed in the future.
The Bright Strategic Road and Movement Action Plan has been created to consolidate all the actions from the Bright Strategic Traffic Assessment as well as all outstanding actions from the Bright Car Parking Plan and Alpine Cycle Safety Strategy into a single action plan for efficiency.
The Bright Strategic Traffic Assessment and the Bright Strategic Road and Movement Action Plan was noted and adopted at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 13 December 2022.
Alpine Shire Traffic and Transport Assessment
Council will shortly commission a consultant to undertake a Traffic and Transport Assessment that will inform a future Traffic and Transport Strategy for Alpine Shire, which will seek to understand and cater for the transport needs for residents and businesses to the year 2041 and beyond, and understand how this need can be apportioned to developer contributions.
The assessment will include:
- A Traffic Impact Assessment for the service townships of Bright, Mount Beauty/Tawonga South, Myrtleford, and Porepunkah to take into account future growth of these townships identified in Council’s Land Development Strategy (LDS).
- A car parking study for the townships of Bright, Mount Beauty/Tawonga South, and Myrtleford, and Porepunkah.
- A gap analysis on active transport (walking and cycling) within the four service townships that can be utilized for commuting and recreation purposes.
It’s expected that a consultant will be engaged to undertake the assessment by July 2024, with the project to be completed by early 2025.